Sunday, December 12, 2010


This poem seeks to explore management in an ancient setting as a knight manages his battle plan and his troops of the task ahead. The Knight exercises leadership qualities by controlling his warriors, using different planning strategies, communicating fighting tactics and even setting definite goals and assuring success.   

Rest bewilder warrior, rest and take heed, for the battle is not won.
For we ride in the morn, to lead noble knights this victory we did sworn,
As hades feen do tell of mischief and demise, sacred preparations, and no jesters shall equip these arms two carry such sweat, belligerent thunder,
As lighting fall from heaven so too will this sword, on thy enemies’ chest, plunder,
Rest thy noble knights as the creator on the 7th day,
For in the morn we shall ride again,
Flamboyant bust of solemn victory manage thy fear, and hold fast
For we are knights forge from noble cast,
So rest bewilder warrior, rest and take heed, for tomorrow the battle will be won.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Its a new day, comunicate the new way>BLOGGING!

Prior to this class I always heard about blogs, this never drew my attention because am not a writing person I am more drawn to practical stuff like math and accounting, so any type of involvement that would call out my writing skills I tend to shy away from it. Having to do a blog for this class was a change, but I embraced it because it was part of my grade that was dependent on me.
It was indeed unique in that in my three years at Baruch there was not one class that this was a part of and I never heard any students mentioned it before. The style in this classromm was like no other so expect the unexpected.  This is one professor who puts time into his profession, it’s not just a night job, I can tell that this professor actually spends time preparing for classroom discussions and activities.
This blog was a new experience to me and it has become an asset because am going to continue to use it, this is because I can see that this form of communicating is becoming like emails and phones and as a student and professional it is a great networking tool if it is used appropriately.
This blog has definitely added value to this management class because now at the end of Mgt 3120 I have a new skill. A skill that I would not have expected to gain from a management class. The blog also brought an unusual twist with it, one learned about their classmate in an informal way. We were free to post whatever we liked on our blogs which was a good way for us to know about our classmate, since most of the times you either learn from your classmates if you’re forced to be in a group by having a group project or if you choose to be friends with someone in the class. Having said that I found that we as students did not utilize the blog effectively to communicate with one another or even with the professor. It was more a blog when you had an assignment.
Blogging after each activity did help reinforce what was done in the classroom ensuring that there were no gasps left between the activity and the topic of that day.
Stay innovative with your teaching concepts and keep the blogs and all those activities that there are in the classroom, management can be a dreary subject especially at night after a long day at work but with your interesting activities it help me stay attentive and look forward to class